To submit Extended summary for the conference you have to first register by clicking Login button. If you are first time user, click New registration other wise enter username and password after clicking Login. After you registered you will receive registration number, please keep it for further reference. Once you registered you can submit extended summary and you can make payment for the conference. The entire extended Summary must be in MS word Doc file only.)

Guide lines to Submit Extended summary

There will be five categories of presentations:

  • Plenary
  • Invited
  • Oral
  • Rapid fire
  • Poster

Plenary Lectures:

Eminent Scientists/Administrators in agriculture will be invited to deliver special lectures on the topics related to eco system services, food production and policy, farming systems research, climate change, conservation agriculture, energy, environment, water governance and management, input use efficiency, etc.

Invited papers:

Nine Symposia have been planned on the sub-themes of the Conference. Selected speakers will be invited to make their presentations on the subthemes of the conference.

Two panel discussions would be held on topics relevant to rainfed agriculture with eminent speakers, practitioners and administrators

Rapid fire presentations:

Selected papers will be presented as rapid fire presentations under each Sub-theme.

Poster presentations:

There will be an organized Poster Session covering the themes identified in the Symposia to encourage wider interaction and information sharing. The papers contributed for Poster Session will be screened and each Poster Session will have a Convener and Co-convener. The Conveners/Co-conveners will prepare and present Summary of the concerned Poster Session. This will permit discussion and help in formulation of meaningful recommendations.